Velleman Service Portal

Technical Guide

If you are a developer interested in consuming our webservices, then this page is for you. To get started, read the Service Portal Technical Guide. It contains a technical description of all webservices and how to use them. This guide should contain all the information you need.

There is a quota of 50.000 webservice calls per customer per day. This limit is set relatively high, as long as no unnecessary calls are made (like getting the stock numbers in real-time).


The credentials used for authentication are the same as the credentials used for our Distributor Area.

If your credentials are not being accepted, make sure you have entered the password correctly. The password is case sensitive (the password is not case sensitive for the Distributor Area). If your credentials are still not being accepted, contact our Sales Department.

If you require extra credentials (an extra login) to give to a third party, contact our Sales Department.

Downloading product images

The webservices only return the relative paths to images. The actual images have been bundled into a zip archive that can be freely downloaded. The entire archive is about 500MB in size.

You can get all available images in this file:

Download all images (

This file is updated weekly (sunday).

To get the latest images everyday you can download this file:

Download latest images (

This file only contains all images that are not in the last If you download this file daily you don't have to fetch again.

If you don't use the webservices, you can obtain all image to product associations from following CSV files:

Do not run a script to download each image separately from our website, download the zip archive instead.

Stock information

Keep in mind that stock information returned by our webservices is not calculated in real-time. Stock is refreshed only every 12 hours.

Test webservices with SoapUI

Without writing any code you can try out each of our webservices by using soapUI, a free (open source) tool. We'd recommend you use it to get a feel for how webservices work and to see what the expected output of each webservice looks like. It also lets you examine each SOAP request and response in its raw format.

The CSV file

We can also provide a CSV file which gets updated daily. Please contact our Sales division to enable the FTP account where you can download this file.
CSV file documentation: field names, data format, ...